Basilica della Santissima Trinità di Saccargia
The Basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia is a Romanesque-Pisan style church, located in the territory of Codrongianos, in the province of Sassari. It represents one of the most beautiful churches in Sardinia. Made up of white limestone and black basalt ashlars. The Basilica consists of a single room with a transept overlooked by three apses. The façade is preceded by a portico with a gable roof interspersed with seven arches resting on pillars. On the white columns there are capitals decorated with winged figures. In the northwestern part of the church stands a quadrangular bell tower. In the back there are three apses, one of which is entirely decorated with a fresco in which the figure of Christ stands out. Two arches lead to two chapels covered with cross vaults. In the interior of the apse, a cycle of frescoes depicting Christ, angels and archangels, the Madonna, the Last Supper, the Kiss of Judas, the Crucifixion, the Burial, and the Descent into the Underworld.
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